One year in Toronto

So here we are. The earth has completed a full orbit of the sun since we collected our work permits at Toronto Pearson Airport, and we’re delighted that they’ve been successfully renewed for another twelve months. So, to mark a full year since our first blog post, here are some of the things we’ve learnt in Canada: · There’s more than one way to make a bagel. In New York they are boiled in water then baked. In Montreal they are boiled in honey -water then baked in an open woodfire oven. And this has been enough to cause a rivalry between the two cities for over a century. · Ukrainian-Canadian speed-folk music is a thing. And for one weekend during the year you can hear it in St. John ’ s . · Whether encouraging drivers to ignore red lights or issuing all official pronouncements in at least two languages, Canadians are pretty relaxed about finding the most efficient...